Accademia degli Animatori Socioeducativi:
Le competenze del futuro
The purpose of the Academy for SocioEducational Animators (SEA) is to provide offline training for 12 highly qualified Youth Workers selected from the 40 participants in the online Training Course, specializing in working with young migrants to promote successful integration. The main output of the project will be the Animator's Manual, which will serve as a rich educational resource with theoretical bases and a wide collection of ideas, event schedules, practical exercises, games, and activities suitable for different contexts.
1. Online Training Course with 40 participants, selecting 12 for offline Training Course.
2. Theoretical and practical offline training in Italy.
3. Creation of a printable digital manual.
4. Dissemination of project results and multiplier events.
5. Monitoring and evaluation through ongoing assessments and feedback.
6. Integration of Training Course results into partner organizations' activities.
7. Use of project results for expansion and improvement of Training Course.
1. 40 Youth Workers with solid theoretical foundations, of which 12 are highly qualified.
2. Impactful Manual.
3. Optimization of integration process for young migrants.
4. Positive impact on Youth Workers' skills and employability.
5. Stakeholder awareness on integration.
6. Project for future editions of SEA Training Course with new partners.
7. Involvement of alumni in partners' projects.
9. Growth of partners' competences.
Online Training Course (40h)
1. Role of the Socio-Educational Animator: mission, ethics, and rules of conduct.
2. Basics of effective communication: soft skills needed to work with young people (active listening, empathy, non-violent communication, etc.).
3. Building cohesive temporary groups: methodologies related to different objectives.
4. Developmental psychology: adapting activities to different age groups.
5. Group management: challenges, reflection, and creating a positive atmosphere.
6. Conflict management, group dynamics, and prevention.
7. The basics and the role of the animator in risk management and first aid.
8. Types and formats of Non-Formal Education (NFE).
9. Designing creative activities: techniques for innovative and cultural activities.
10. Gamification: action and transformational games.
11. Program design: scheduling, integrating activities, and special events.
12. Basics of marketing, communication, and the production of basic digital products for promoting activities and events.
Offline Training Course (7 days)
Theoretical Training:
1. The challenges of emigration, adaptation, and integration.
2. The risks of self-segregation and radicalization.
3. Strategies for successful integration into the host country's society.
4. Emotional intelligence and multiculturalism.
5. The contribution of youth workers (YW) to the development of self-esteem and awareness in young migrants.
6. Holistic well-being and active citizenship as goals of youth work.
Practical Training:
1. Application of the knowledge gained during the online course (implementation of Non-Formal Education, games for different stages of the project, etc.).
2. Development of educational materials, workbooks, and presentations, including using recycled and digital materials.
3. Setup and use of technical equipment for events (projectors, consoles, speakers, microphones, lights, etc.).
4. Use of digital tools for event communication (streaming on various platforms, video-making).
5. Best practices and ecological habits that should be integrated into youth projects.
Project Partners
Associazione Forum è stata fondata a Milano (Italia) e si occupa della formazione nell'ambito dello sviluppo personale e delle soft skills, dell'integrazione di successo per i giovani multiculturali. Organizza percorsi formativi, eventi, campus estivi a cui hanno preso parte più di 1000 ragazzi da tutta Europa.
Associazione Raduga è stata fondata a Barcellona (Spagna) 15 anni fa e si occupa della promozione del dialogo interculturale, formazione linguistica e organizzazione di attività culturali
Raduga è anche centro di formazione artistica e al suo interno è attivo un circolo di scacchi.